Section 2: UK Railway Press 2002 - present
June and July 2002 - Steam Railway published a two-part article "Steaming into the Future" by David Wardale in SR 272 p.36 and 273 p.44, reproduced in unabridged form on this website. SR went on to publish four letters in response to Wardale's articles: from Chris Newman, Ray Christopher and Peter Featherstone in SR 275 p.47 (Sept 2002) and from Angus Eickhoff in SR 276 p.38 (Oct 2002). (Unabridged versions of two of these letters are reproduced.) Wardale's response to Eickhoff's letter appeared in SR 277 p.34 (Nov 2002) along with two other letters from Graham Lawrence and Leonard Staghurst. A response from Chris Newman to Mr Staghurst's letter was published in SR 279 p.48 (Jan 2003); unfortunately Dave Wardale's very informative reply was not also published. A letter sent to SR by Mr. Bryan Attewell in response to the Wardale articles also failed to gain publication and hence Dave Wardale's prepared response to it was also not published. With permission of both SR and Mr Attewell, his letter and Wardale's response are reproduced here. Discussion on the articles finally ended with another letter from Angus Eickhoff to Steam Railway which did not get into print: Mr Eickhoff's letter is reproduced here with permission of both SR and its author.
Aug-Sept 2002 - Locomotives International Issue 63 p.6 editorial introduced articles on Ing. Porta's and Roger Waller's recent work, and announced the introduction of the 5AT website and the provision of funding for the Fundamental Design Calculations for the locomotive.
December 2002 - Camden Dispatch offered a short article titled "Modern Steam Developments".
Feb - Mar 2003 - Locomotives International Issue 65 published a letter from Chris Newman under the title "Is Steam Preservation Forever?" in response to an earlier editorial commenting on the destruction of two "preserved" locomotives by a Belgian museum.
Feb 2003 - the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Railway Division, whilst not a "press" publication per-se, published a the paper by Roger Waller that was presented to the Institution's Railway Division under the auspice of the "Sir Seymour Biscoe Tritton Lecture". The paper was titled "Modern Steam - An Economic and Environmental Alternative to Diesel Traction".
Feb 2003 - Steam Railway Issue 279 published an article about the National Railway Museum (York). Chris Newman responded with a letter published in SR's March issue SR-280 under the title "Wardale '5AT' is key to keeping steam 'flat-out'" in which he suggested that the 5AT will be essential for keeping interest in steam alive in the future. A response from Paul Mercer was published in SR-282 titled "Much as we may love it, steam has had its day" which suggested that the proposal for the 5AT was equivalent to returning to propellers instead of jets on airliners. This in turn drew responses from John Duncan and Mike Horne titled "'Old' Steam could gain from 5AT, says engineer" and "Why shouldn't steam be allowed to progress?" which appeared in SR's May 2003 issue SR-283. A letter from Martyn Bane written in response to the Chris Newman's SR-281 letter remains unpublished.
April 2003 - Heritage Railway published a letter from Alan Fozard titled "Wardale's Plan for High Speed Steam" in their April 2003 issue.
May 2003 - Steam Railway Issue 283 published an article by David Ward titled "Has Mainline Steam got a Future?". June's issue 284 included a letter from Martyn Bane suggesting that the 5AT will hold the key to the future of mainline steam operation. The same issue included a letter from Ian Pow titled "5AT is our best hope".
August 2003 - Steam Railway Issue 286 published two articles and two letters relating to modern steam and to the 5AT project. A letter from Malcolm Cluett drew attention to the successful operation of modernized R class steam locomotives operating regular trains for West Coast Rail in Australia and suggested that a 5AT locomotive would provide the solution to the problems of running steam on the main line in the future. An obituary to L.D. Porta quoted from his recent letter where he wrote "when the 5AT runs, there will be an avalanche of steam buildings" (see also reference to L.D. Porta on this website). An article on the subject of the Barry Ten mentioned the possibility of upgrading one of the locomotives (Black 5 44901) into a Super 5, though without specific reference to the 5AT project. And a letter from Ian Smith of Carlesbrook suggesting that Ian Riley should get in touch with David Wardale to discuss upgrading 35009 to bring its performance up to 21st Century standards.
September 2003 - Locomotives International Issue 67 published an article titled "The 5AT Project - Where is it at? Where is it going?" by Chris Newman, which attempted to answer precisely those two questions.
October 2003 - Steam Railway Issue 288 published a brief notification of Alan Fozard's inaugural 5AT presentation at the 1st International Steam and Tourist Train Congress in Switzerland on Oct 6/7 2003.
November 2003 - Heritage Railway magazine published a brief review of Alan Fozard's presentation at the Brienz congress. It also carried a commentary by David Morgan titled: "New Build - Its Day Must Come"
November 2003 - Steam Railway published a brief notice headed "World Support for Wardale 5AT".
December 2003 - Railway Magazine published another commentary by David Morgan with the somewhat corny and misleading title "World Unity Fires High-tech Steam Hope".
January 2004 - Railway Magazine published a brief article titled "Plan for Hi-Tech 5AT 4-6-0 Moves a Step Closer".
May 2004 - Heritage Railway issue 61 published a commentary by David Morgan titled "Live Steam Must Survive" supporting the concept of building the 5AT "to excite the imagination of those who follow us".
March 2005 - Heritage Railway published a short article in response to the 5AT press release titled "New British Class 5: Design Calculations Ready".
April 2005 - Railway Magazine published another short article in response to the 5AT press release titled "Design Calculations completed for Second Generation Steam Loco".
April 2005 - Railwatch Magazine article titled "High Tech Steam for New Age".
- June 2010 - Railway Magazine article titled: "The 5AT Project - Steam's Second Generation" (A scanned copy of the original article can be downloaded in jpg format as page 1 and page 2.)
- Dec 2010 - Railway Magazine published a letter from Chris Newman responding to letters from readers who had commented on RM's June 2010 article about the 5AT Feasibility Study.