Planning for the 5AT Project has been ongoing since the project started in 2001. Latterly two Planning Groups - a Commercial Planning Group and an Engineering Planning Working Party – have focussed their energies on the preparation of a Feasibility Study regarding the feasibility of forming a Steam Locomotive Development Company to produce SGS locomotives (SGS Loco DevCo). This study was completed in March 2010.
Following completion of this important document work will focus on the search for sources of finance to form an appropriate company and develop a demonstrator 5AT locomotive. An initial priority will be to circulate the feasibility study to appropriate people within the rail industry and to potential sources of finance.
In order to organise these activities as effectively as possible the intention is that the current Commercial Planning Group will evolve into two working parties; a Commercial Planning Working Party and a Marketing Planning Working Party. The Commercial Planning Working Party will be the senior working party and set overall strategy and project direction. The Marketing Planning Working Party will, in association with the Commercial Planning Working Party, plan and implement all aspects of project marketing.
Throughout the project the 5AT Group has endeavoured to take and maintain a professional approach in all its planning activities the guiding rule being “professionals first, enthusiasts second”.
Further information relating to Project Planning can be found in this section of the 5AT website.